
Analysis of Members’ Perceptions in Murabaha Financing (A Trade Financing Policy) for the Nafaa Cooperative Case Study in 2019



In today’s modern era, social activities in society are increasingly complex and varied, including economic activities, followed by new problems that arise in them. Therefore, the Nafaa Cooperative tries to be present to provide solutions to these problems, one of which is in financing activities, even though this activity does not mean it is free from problems, internal problems also arise in this activity, therefore this research is needed to find out the problems that exist in activities carried out by the Nafaa Cooperative.

The purpose of this study is to analyze and find out the perceptions of members of the Nafaa Cooperative in murabaha financing in East Kutai Regency. This type of research is field research with a population of 80 and then an informant (sample) of 6 members is taken, according to the required data and the ability of the researcher. Then the research used techniques to collect data from the results of research in the field in the form of observation, interviews, documentation, and literature study. Then analyzed the data according to the results in the field with interpretation of the data and literature study to draw conclusions. Data obtained from the leaders and members of the Nafaa Cooperative in the form of observations, interviews, documentation, and the data obtained were collected and processed qualitatively.

Thus, the results of the study can be concluded from the members’ perceptions of services, facilities, location, and murabaha financing at the Nafaa Cooperative. Based on practice in the field, the perception of members is very positive and members feel that they have received enormous benefits. The process is fast and easy for members to feel helped in fulfilling the needs of the desired items that can be purchased with murabaha financing at the Nafaa Cooperative and all processes that are undertaken are in accordance with the benefits received by members. In addition, because the system implemented in the Nafaa Cooperative since the contract, the financing process issued until the return or payment process of the object used as a sale and purchase transaction based on Islamic law, the members feel blessed from buying and selling activities. In addition, Members say that the services and facilities are sufficient good. Although there is dissatisfaction in their activities in terms of office space capacity, overall the members are quite good. All of this is inseparable from the benefits, and experience of the services, facilities and understanding provided.



A. Research Background

The main idea of a Islamic Financial Institution (IFI) in the form of a cooperative is a cooperative that is based on the principles of Islamic law. This means that a cooperative that carries out all its business activities is based on the rules regulated in Islam. Examples of financing that exist in Islamic financial institutions is financing Murabaha or a sale and purchase by taking advantage / margin.[1] In carrying out its vision and mission, financial institutions will still face obstacles in the process of carrying them out. One of the obstacles that may occur comes from the internal problems of the financial institution itself.

This situation can be caused by various factors, depending on the extent of the impact given by each of these factors, including the perception factor. Why perception is important in the study of organizational behavior, because it is from this individual behavior that the perception underlies their perspective in facing the realities of life, in carrying out a process of activity or activity to achieve goals that will give the best results according to their expectations.

Research activities to be carried out will focus on based financing sharia in the Nafaa Cooperative’s Sharia Financial Services Unit  ( SFSU), East Kutai Regency, to be precise about financing murabaha which is offered.

In this research, the problem that is being highlighted is that there is a mismatch between the number of members who take financing murabaha in FIS in the Nafaa Cooperative to the number of active members, not all cooperative members take financing, even the number is very small, namely 17 members out of a total of 80 active members. Therefore, to find out, researchers are interested in conducting research with the title Analysis of Members’ Perceptions in Murabaha Financing (A Trade Financing Policy) for the Nafaa Cooperative Case Study in 2019 .

B. Affirmation of Terms

In the preparation of this research, there are several terms that need to be conveyed, including:

Member Perception

Member perception is the view of a member who is a member of a group, organization or institution in receiving, managing and conveying existing conditions based on experiences experienced, felt or accepted in the activities of the organization or group itself.


Murabaha is a term in Islamic jurisprudence which means a certain form of sale and purchase when the seller declares the acquisition of goods, including the price of the goods and other costs incurred to obtain the goods, and the level of profit (margin) desired.

Financing Murabaha

Financing Murabaha is a financing activity provided by a banking or non-bank financial institution to members or customers in buying and selling activities based on the principles of Islamic law.

C. Problem Formulation

Based on the background described above, the problem formulations in this study is:

What are the perceptions of the Nafaa Cooperative members in financing murabaha in East Kutai Regency

D. Research objective and research benefits

From the formulation of the problems described above, it can be concluded that the objectives of this study that is:

  1. Research objectives

This is to find out the perceptions of Nafaa Cooperative members in financing murabaha in East Kutai Regency

2. Research benefits

This research provides benefits for several related parties, namely as follows:

a. Theoretically

(1). This research can be used to add and expand knowledge for create strategies applied by cooperatives in an effort to develop existing financing products in the Nafaa Cooperative, East Kutai Regency.

(2). This research can be used as community learning material about procedures and mechanisms in financing murabaha in a financial institution, especially in this case is a cooperative.

b. Partical benerits

(1). For the Nafaa Cooperative as input and consideration in the implementation of work mechanisms, especially on financing products murabaha in making decisions related to the continuity of the operational activities of the Nafaa Cooperative, Sangatta, East Kutai Regency.

(2). For researchers, to see and pay attention to the perceptions offered by members of the financing murabaha It is hoped that the knowledge gained can be implemented and applied in the future so that it fits between theory and actual practice in the field if researchers work in the same field of work.

(3). For other parties, researchers hope that this research can add scientific knowledge and references that can be used as sources of information related to financing. murabaha.

E. Writing Systematics.

To be more focused in writing this thesis, the researcher makes research systematic according to each chapter. The researcher divides it into 5 (chapters), each of which consists of sub-chapters, which is an explanation of the chapter. The research systematics are as follows:

CHAPTER I     Introduction, contains a description of the Research Background, Problem Formulation, Affirmation Research terms, objectives and benefits, writing schematics.

CHAPTER II    Scription Theory, contains the understanding of members’ perceptions, financing murabaha. Study Relevant Research etc.

CHAPTER III  Research Methods, which describes the types and approaches of research, time and the place of research, data and data sources, as well as data collection techniques, data validity testing and finally data analysis techniques.

CHAPTERIV   Research results and discussion consisting of an overview of the research object, description research findings data, discussion of research results and research limitations

CHAPTER V  Closing which contains conclusions and suggestions.



A. Description of the theory

1.Perceptionof Members

a. Definition of Member Perception

Perception is a psychological aspect that is important for humans in responding to the presence of various aspects and symptoms around it.Various experts have provided various definitions of perception, although in principle they contain the same meaning. [2] According to Leon G. Schiffman and Leslie Kanuk, perception is defined as a process carried out by individuals to select, organize, and interpret stimuli into meaningful and plausible images of the world. This process can be described as “how we see the world around us.” Two individuals may receive the same stimuli in the same real conditions, but how each person identifies to choose, organize, and interpret it is a very individual process based on each person’s own needs, values and expectations. The influence that each of these variables exerts on the process of acquiring perceptions, and its relationship to marketing, will be studied in detail.

Stephen P. Robbins argues, perception is a process in which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions to give meaning to their environment. Research on perception has consistently shown that different individuals can see the same things but understand them differently. The fact is none of us see reality. What we do is interpret what we see and call it reality.

From the description above, it can be concluded that the member’s perception is a response that arises as a result of a process that someone gets from an event, experience, or situation that is received or felt by the member’s senses themselves. Members of the Nafaa Cooperative in this case are included as consumers of the cooperative itself because as members, they can take advantage of all the products offered by the Nafaa Cooperative including murabaha

b. Factors Affecting Perceptions of Members / Consumer

The perception of members in various matters in the field of cooperatives is influenced by several factors, so that members can provide a good perception of the cooperative. According to Prof. Dr. Manahan P. Tampubolon. Perception is very dependent on factors, including the individual who makes the perception, something that happens when the perception is formulated, and disturbances that affect the process of forming perceptions (targets).

c. Dimension of Consumer Perception

According to Donni Juni Priansa, the essence of communication is perception, while the essence of perception itself is interpretation.

2. Financing Murabaha

a. Definition of Financing Murabaha

Linguistically, murabaha derived from the word Ribh which means growing and developing in commerce[1]. Bai ‘ murabaha is a trading contract that is allowed, this is based on the arguments contained in the al-qur’an, al hadith or ulama’s consent.

Murabaha In simple terms, according to Ibn Abidin, quoted by Adi Warman A. Karim, it means a sale of goods for the price of the item plus the agreed profiti.[1] Murabaha is one of the Islamic concepts in making sale and purchase agreements.[2]According to Fordebi & Adesy murabaha is a contract for ordinary sale and purchase; The selling price consists of the purchase price plus a margin with a certain percentage, mark up, or cost plus, as sales profit. They also say the cost of goods must be known by buyers.

b. Terms Murabaha

According to Wiroso in murabaha it takes several conditions, among others;

(1). Knowing the first price (Purchase Price)

The second buyer should know the purchase price because it is a legal condition for the sale and purchase transaction.

(2). Knowing the amount of profit.

Knowing the amount of profit is imperative because it is part of the price ( tsaman), while knowing the price is a legal condition of buying and selling.

(3). Capital

Capital should be a commodity that has similarities and similar, such as things being measured are weighed and counted.

(4). System

System murabaha in the assets of usury, we should not add the usury to the first price, such as buying goods that are measured or weighed with similar goods with the same amount, then it is not permissible to sell them using the same system murabaha.

(5). The first transaction must be conditionally valid

If the first transaction is invalid, then buying and selling is not allowed murabaha, because Murabaha is a sale and purchase at the first price accompanied by additional profits and rights and the illegal sale and purchase property is determined by the value of the goods or with the goods, for example, not at the price, because the naming is incorrect.[1]

c. Murabaha Law Base

one of the sources of law that is allowed to buy and sell in Islam is the Alqur’an. An Nisaa’29

The strongest legal basis for the prohibition of buying and selling using the usury system is the Alqurán, Al-baqarah ayat: 275;

Meaning: People who eat usury cannot stand but are like a person who is possessed by a demon because he is crazy. That is because they say that buying and selling is the same as usury. Even though Allah has made buying and selling legal and forbidden usury. Whoever gets a warning from his Lord, then he stops, then what he has obtained before becomes his and his business (it’s up to Allah). Whoever repeats, they are residents of hell, they are eternal in it.

From the description above, it can be concluded that murabaha is a trading activity as in general, but prioritizes transparency in carrying out these activities, including complying with the prohibition of taking usury. (taking additional profits, in the form of goods, services, etc., which are carried out in trading activities). Murabaha without usury is a sale and purchase that is usually carried out by two parties, namely sellers & buyers or three parties, namely a third party or owner of capital, through an installment system by setting a price at the beginning of the agreement and not taking advantage of debt to get benefits including profits, but the benefits can be obtained by increasing the selling price at the beginning of the agreement in accordance with the agreement.

d. Simple example of a murabaha financing scheme

Andi wants to buy Bandi’s HP for 100 $ but doesn’t have enough money because Bandi requires cash purchases, then Andi proposes Murabaha financing to Cun, then Cun buys Bandi’s HP in cash. Then Cun resells the phone for $ 150 to Andi on installment system of $ 10 per month for 15 months (so there is no return on interest on debt, because debt interest is part of usury).


B. Relevant Research Studies

  1. Iham Akbar Putra’s 2017 research entitled, “Members’ Perceptions of the Financing Law Murabaha At BMT Amanah Ummah Sukoharjo.

The results of this study indicate that the members’ perceptions of the financing law murabaha to BMT Amanah Ummah Sukoharjo stated financing murabaha carried out by BMT Amanah Ummah Sukohario is in accordance with Islamic law.[2]  In the study, it is said that it can be seen from the filing procedure when members start applying for financing until financing is received.[3]

There are similarities between previous research and current research, namely the variable perception of members and the law of financing Murabaha. However, the research that will be examined this time does not specifically focus on members’ perceptions of the financing law murabaha only but funding activities murabaha in the Nafaa Cooperative, it is seen from various aspects according to the perception of the members. Therefore, this research can be continued.



A. Types And Research Approaches

  1. Type of Research

The type of research used in this research is phenomenological research. This research will understand, explore the phenomena of interpreting events or relationships with financing activities murabaha which is in the Nafaa Cooperative. This is a qualitative research using observations of natural social phenomena or symptoms (nature), then will be used as a data source, this approach is based on the reality of the field (empirical).

2. Research Approach

In this study, using descriptive research, this research will be carried out at the  level of study and analysis solely to reveal a symptom / sign and condition as it is. Research to be carried out by researchers at this time is broadly a research activity that wants to create a picture or try to capture an event or symptom in a systematic, factual manner with an accurate arrangement. In this research, the activities carried out are looking for data to be able to describe or factually capture an event or an actual symptom on the financing Murabaha which is in the Nafaa Cooperative.

B. Time and Place of Research

To obtain complete, detailed and accurate data from the process and stage of field research observations about the perceptions of Nafaa Cooperative members in financing murabaha Therefore, researchers will carry out field research activities on September 30 – December 30 2019 in Sangatta City, East Kutai Regency. 

C. Sampling Technique

In this study, the sampling technique was carried out using accidental sampling techniques. According to Suharsimi Arikunto, the accidental sampling technique  can also be called the sampling technique “as long as you take / choose from.[1] Therefore, in this study, the researchers took a sample of 6 people from the total number of active members, which amounted to 80 members in the Nafaa Cooperative in 2019.

D. Data and Data Sources

  1. Data Sources

The main data source in this study will come from words that can be generated from perceptions and then come from primary data sources and secondary data sources.

a. Primary Data Sources

The primary data sources used will be obtained from informants through data from interviews with researchers and sources etc. Primary data collection is an integral part of the business and economic research process which is often required for decision-making purposes.

In this study, the data sources as the research subject in question are cooperative members who have taken murabaha financing and cooperative members who have not taken murabaha financing, obtaining other supporting data in the form of interviews from the leadership of the Nafaa Cooperative, East Kutai Regency, in order to obtain more complete or detailed data regarding the mechanisms and requirements for submitting murabaha financing at the Nafaa Cooperative in East Kutai Regency in 2019.

b. Secondary Data Sources

The data that will be used in this research are obtained from notes, books, and other. The secondary data in question can be obtained by researchers through;

1). Documentary Data

The method of collecting data through written remains, such as archives, including books on theories, opinions, arguments or laws, etc. related to research problems is called documentary techniques or documentary studies.

In this case, the researcher obtained additional or supporting data in the form of documents or a list of the names of members who took murabaha financing at the Nafaa Cooperative, East Kutai Regency in 2019 and others.

2). Literature Study

There are many sources literature which can be used in social and educational research, sources literature and reading sources that can be explored to be used as a theoretical basis for identifying the problem to be studied. Therefore, as a researcher, you can use reference materials or references from literature studies to find out the theoretical truth about the perceptions of Nafaa Cooperative members in financing murabaha at the Nafaa Cooperative, East Kutai Regency.

E. Data Collection Techniques

  1. Interview technique

The interview is a data collection technique in a survey method that uses oral questions to research subjects. The data collected is generally in the form of certain problems that are complex, sensitive or controversial so it is likely that if it is done using a questionnaire technique it will not get the respondent’s response. There are two parties inside interview namely parties information hunter and information supplier which has a different post.

In this case, the researcher can meet directly or indirectly in the field and then interview members who have taken financing murabaha or not. Furthermore, researchers can obtain data or interview the Nafaa Cooperative in this case, to obtain an explanation of the terms and criteria for obtaining financing murabaha, or other information on the Nafaa Cooperative, East Kutai Regency.

2. Documentation

In an effort to collect data by means of documentation, researchers traced various kinds of documents including books, regulations and other sources of information.

In this case the researcher prepared a recording device, camera, writing instrument and documented the interview process and what was deemed necessary and important (secondary) regarding cooperatives, members, as well as mechanisms, procedures and financing requirements in Koperasi Nafaa, East Kutai Regency.

3. Literature Study Techniques

There are many literary sources that can be used in social and educational research, literature sources and reading sources that can be explored to be used as a theoretical basis for identifying the problem to be studied. In order to find a theory that is in accordance with the research, researchers must obtain as much literature as possible from sources, namely;

      • Leaflet
      • Monograph
      • Encyclopedia
      • Magazine
      • Book
      • Journal
      • Essay
      • Yearbook Dissertation Thesis
      • Results of seminars / symposia / conferences
      • Internet

Therefore, researchers can use reference materials or references from literature studies to find out a theoretical truth about the research being carried out.

F. Test Data Validity

Qualitative research data in the form of words, statement sentences, behaviors and events that have been collected and coded, then analyzed for truth.[1] The researcher will use the instrument to test the validity of the data so that the data obtained is in accordance with the actual situation. The tool used to analyze data and information is the triangulation data analysis technique. Triangulation means comparing and cross-checking the degree of confidence of information obtained through different time and tools in qualitative research.

Data Analysis Techniques

  1. Data Analysis

Data analysis is defined as data that is already available and then processed with statistics and can be used to answer the formulation of problems in research. Thus, data analysis techniques can be interpreted as a way to carry out data analysis with the aim of processing the data to answer the problem formulation.



A. Description of Research Objects

    1. Profile of the Nafaa Cooperative of East Kutai Regency[1]

The cooperative, which was established on January 1st, 2018, was originally founded on the basis of an idea from a group of people who live in Sangatta City, East Kutai Regency, which has the same vision and mission, including to gain prosperity, and also wants to provide benefits for many people, especially the surrounding residents. The cooperative led by Moh Faizin has a Sharia Financial Services Unit (SFSU), a business unit, in which there is a Sharia Financing Product for Buying & Selling or Murabaha.

B. Informant Description

2. Informant description

The attachments to the statements of the members of the Nafaa Cooperative of East Kutai Regency in 2019 which were used as informants in table 4.1 above can be seen in Table 4.2 as follows;

In this study, researchers divided the characteristics of the informants into 6, namely:

a. Gender

Cooperative informants who are members of the Nafaa Cooperative are male and female, this can be seen in the Table 4.3 as follows:

b. Education

Members who become informants at the Nafaa Cooperative in Kutai Regency are divided Timur Tahun 2019 based on the level of education can be classified into 2 levels, this can be seen in Table 4.4 as follows:

Table 4.4 explains that the average informant studied has an undergraduate (Bachelor) and postgraduate (postgraduate) education with 5 informants with an undergraduate education and 1 postgraduate degree.

c. Profession

The fields of work in this section informants of the Nafaa Cooperative are grouped or differentiated into 3 fields of work, namely the work profession as an entrepreneur, private employees, and lecturers, this can be seen in Table 4.5 as follows:

In table 4.5 above the types of work of the informants are Merchant / private sector, namely 2 members, then private employees as many as 3 members and 1 lecturer.

C. Description of Research Findings Data

  1. Financing Practices Murabaha at the Nafaa Cooperative.

a. The implementation process in general, there are 4 stages that must be passed:

(1) Financing Application Stage

The first step for members who want to get financing is using a contract Murabaha those in the Nafaa Cooperative must submit financing to the cooperative first. After the financing application is fulfilled, the cooperative will provide an understanding of the financing available at the Nafaa Cooperative.

This is in accordance with the statement of Mr. Firdaus, a member of Nafaa, namely:

A first I bought a cellphone, this is a procedure that I have experienced means, then I asked the Nafaa cooperative to buy me a cellphone and the Nafaa cooperative gave me a contract, he said the contract used was the murabahah contract “.

(2). Analysis Stage

The cooperative will analyze the members who apply for financing Murabaha, for example financial history. This activity aims to adjust the amount of financing that will be provided.

This is in accordance with the statement of Mr. Muhammad, a member of the Nafa Cooperative, namely:

The first procedure, applying for financing, after the desired item will be verified, then the cooperative will make a decision on the nominal amount that can be issued, like that.”

(3). Requirements Stage

Members must meet all the requirements necessary for the financing application to proceed, This is in accordance with the statement of Mr. Fuan, a member of the Nafaa Cooperative, namely :

The first requirement is simple, there must be a guarantee; for example, land certificate or vehicle certificate and so on, the important thing is there is a guarantee certificate”.


(4). Financing Stage

After the requirements stage is met, the financing contract can be implemented and the length of time depends on the available funds, usually the maximum is 1 month of waiting period.

b. Requirements

The requirements that must be met are: Result of interview with Mr. Muhammad, September 30th , 2019.

 1). Registered as a member of the Nafaa Cooperative

The first condition that must be done to apply for murabahah financing at the Nafaa Cooperative is to become a member, this is done because the Nafaa Cooperative only serves financing activities for members who are members of the Nafaa Cooperative.

2). Submit Guarantee

The Nafaa Cooperative requires a land certificate to guarantee financing to be issued, this is done for the nature of being careful about the financing provided.

This is in line with the answer given by Mr. Firdaus as a member of the Nafaa Cooperative, namely:

Requirements needed are files, the second must be registered as a member, the third KTP (KTP), the fourth guarantee (“land certificate, for example”)”.


3). Financial History

This activity is carried out in order to adjust the ability of members to repay the financing provided

c. Structures Involved in the Implementation of Financing

In financing activities Murabaha In the Nafaa Cooperative in general there are two important elements that are directly involved. The results of the interview with Mr. Firdaus, on September 30th, 2019 in this financing activity, namely:

        1. Leader of the Nafaa Cooperative
        2. Secretary of the Nafaa Cooperative

d. Rights, Obligations, and Sanctions for Members

(1). Member Rights

Members get rights in financing activities, namely:

(a). Cooperative members who apply for financing and have complied the procedures and requirements given will get financing from  Cooperative.

(b). Members who have received financing from the cooperative have the right to communicate with the cooperative to make a new agreement if there is a delay in payment.

e. Obligations of Members

In this case the obligation that must be fulfilled by members is to carry out the contract that has been made between the cooperative and the members.

f. Sanctions for Delay

In buying and selling activities using a contract Murabaha conducted at the Nafaa Cooperative, there are no sanctions given, but if there is a delay in payment, members are expected to be able to actively communicate with the Nafaa Cooperative.

This is in accordance with the statement of Mr. Arman as a member of the Nafaa Cooperative, that;

The Nafaa Cooperative has no sanctions, if late there are no sanctions. That is Nafaa’s advantage because if someone is late there will be no sanction for him. For example, if this month we can not pay, then next month we will pay instead.”.


g. Items That Are Used as Objects of Sale and Purchase

All types of goods that are used as objects of commerce at the Nafaa Cooperative are all types of goods that are lawful (holy / allowed) to be traded in Islam rules, and these goods are protected from gharar (obscurity), unclean (according Islam rules), and usury.

h. Selling price

In this financing activity the selling price has been agreed by both parties between the Nafaa Cooperative and the members. Prior to that, the members also knew the first price of the goods that were used as the object of commerce under the contract Murabaha.

i. Margin

The amount of margin obtained by the cooperative is known and mutually agreed upon by the Nafaa Cooperative and the members applying for financing Murabaha.

j. Quality of goods

The quality of the goods in question is the goods that will be used as the object of trading transactions, in which the goods must be something that is not prohibited in Islam such as unclean, prohibited, and so on.

This is in accordance with the statement from Mr. Firdaus;

So yes, it is explained that if I buy a cellphone, for example the Nafaa Cooperative explains that I bought a cellphone for more than one million rupiah, then Nafaa sold it to me for a price more than the first purchase price, Nafaa explained in detail so that I understood the source of the cooperative’s profit. Also in the agreement it is explained that there is no usury, and the elements of the goods are not clear.”.


2. Perceptions of Nafaa Cooperative Members in Financing Murabaha

As the results of interviews with several members of the Nafaa Cooperative, they gave answers about their perceptions of financing murabaha:

Perception of Mr. Firdaus

a. Perceptions of Service murabaha at the Nafaa Cooperative

“The service is quite good, it’s just that maybe because of a lack of employees so that the leadership must be directly involved”.

b. Perceptions of existing facilities at the Nafaa Cooperative.

“The facilities still need improvement and additional capacity”.

c. Perception of the location of the Nafaa Cooperative office.

“Located far from the city center and less strategic”.

d. Perceptions of Financing Murabaha

“The financing in the Nafaa Cooperative is already good, but it still needs deep development murabaha purely according to the real murabaha theory, this activity still needs development, so that the members’ needs in carrying out this activity are more developed “.

Perception of Mr. Muhammad

a. Perceptions of Service murabaha at the Nafaa Cooperative

“The service is good, the office is rather small, but representative, though the facilities are quite complete”.

b. Perceptions of existing facilities in the Nafaa Cooperative.

“The physical facilities are good, and the office is complete; there is a desk, computer, fan, which basically it is standard. The application facilities are also very supportive, and the transaction is easy”.

c. Perceptions of the Location of the Nafaa Cooperative Office

“The office location may not be strategic, firstly because it is not in the middle of the city, and the office goes inside. The ideal office should be in a strategic road at least such as Jalan Yos Sudarso.”

d. Perceptions of Financing Murabaha at the Nafaa Cooperative

“The existing murabahah financing is quite good, very helpful because the access is easy, the requirements and all kinds of things can be said to be easy when compared to other places (“FIS”) for this type of financing “.

Perception of Mr. Fahrudin

a. Perceptions of Service murabaha at the Nafaa Cooperative

“Related to the service, I have never made a submission, but the service is online, meaning that if someone wants to submit (financing) he can immediately write online. Later whoever wants to be the third party when there is a submission but the Nafaa Cooperative does not have the funds, it can be shared directly in the online group. After that whoever the member wants to finance,he will also be able to immediately know the profit sharing ratio”.

b. Perception of existing facilities in the Nafaa Cooperative

“I rarely go to the office because it’s done online and I don’t really know, but the online system is already good”.

c. Perception of the location of the Nafaa Cooperative Office

“The location is not strategic, because the position is inside, people rarely know the condition, if on the side of the road more people can see.”

d. Perceptions of Financing Murabaha

“Financing Murabaha what exists is for consumptive activities, where when a member needs something because of the desire or need they can apply for financing Murabaha. The Nafaa Cooperative as the party that buys (Commodities) then the goods are sold back to the members in installments, and this financing can be used as an alternative to obtaining goods in a halal way”.

Perception of Mr. Arman

a. Perceptions of Service murabaha at the Nafaa Cooperative

“So, according to my perception, the service is very friendly when serving its member and submitting the desired item, also Nafaa is very friendly and very enthusiastic in providing excellent service, and providing good service to members who apply for financing”.

b. Perceptions of the Facilities at the Nafaa Cooperative

“Facilities in the Nafaa Cooperative, it is actually a good program, because the facilities of the program are online, so overall it is good”.

c. Perception of the location of the Nafaa Cooperative Office

“In my opinion, ideally, where it can be reached by customers, but in my opinion, the problem of location does not really matter because the system is online”.

d. Perceptions of Financing Murabaha at the Nafaa Cooperative

“In my personal opinion, the Murabaha is very good because the financing at the Nafaa Cooperative is very easy, meaning that the requirements that must be met are very easy, Also, the system used is a sharia-based system, and it uses a profit sharing system with other members involved in the Nafaa Cooperative “.

Perception of Ms. Aspiati

a. Perception of Services at the Nafaa Cooperative

“Talking about perception, I’m not much involved, so I only know by word of mouth, like that, so I don’t know exactly.”

b. Perceptions of existing facilities at the Nafaa Cooperative.

“I have never come to the cooperative. The cooperative was just built maybe a year ago and I have never been there ”.

c. Perception of the location of the Nafaa Cooperative Office

“I think it is not strategic and very far away, maybe because I am still a beginner, so it’s like that, but we have to find a more strategic place to convince the members that we have a place”.

d. Perceptions of Financing Murabaha which is in the Nafaa Cooperative

“In my opinion, it is fine, because it is a cooperative that is truly based on Islamic teachings, for example in transaction activities, profits and losses are shared by two.”


D. Discussion of Research Results

Of the many members of the Nafaa Cooperative in East Kutai Regency in 2019, there were 80 members, then researchers conducted interviews and data collection activities by interviewing 6 members of the Nafaa Cooperative in East Kutai Regency to get data facts in the field. Results of statements and responses from cooperative members who use or have not used financing Murabaha, when the submission stage reaches the financing stage, it is very helpful and very useful so that the assistance can meet the needs of members in terms of commerce.

The perception of members of the Nafaa Cooperative in financing Murabaha from the results of interviews with members who have or have not taken Murabaha Financing at the Nafaa Cooperative can be concluded that their perceptions are positive because in general the system used is in accordance with the Islamic Financial Institution (IFI) and the facilities provided are sufficient adequate.



A. Conclusion

The conclusion from the research results “Analysis of Members’ Perceptions in Murabahah Financing (A Trade Financing Policy) for the Nafaa Cooperative Case Study in 2019 ” that the members of the Nafaa Cooperative considered this product to be very helpful for them in terms of financing activities to meet the needs for goods desired by members. Even though in its activities there is dissatisfaction in terms of office capacity, overall the perception that arises in members can be concluded that it is very good. All of this is inseparable from the benefits and experience of services, facilities, and understanding given about the mechanism of activity procedures and the requirements provided by the Nafaa Cooperative.

 B. Suggestions

Based on the results of the above research, the researcher can provide suggestions as follows;

  1. Suggestions for the Nafaa Cooperative.
    • There needs to be increased socialization, promotion and understanding about Islamic-based financing so that members will increasingly understand and have confidence in the sharia system run by the Nafaa Cooperative.
    • The need for up-to-date innovations to increase the degree of capacity of the Nafaa Cooperative so that more investors join and invest in the Nafaa Cooperative so that they can meet the needs of members in buying and selling practices by using financing contracts based on the principles of Islamic law.
    • It is hoped that the Nafaa Cooperative will continue to develop murabaha financing products and be more focused so that more members can get the benefits and welfare of these activities, and continue to improve communication relationships with members so that there is stronger cooperation between the cooperative and members of the Nafaa Cooperative.

2. Suggestions for Nafaa Cooperative Members

    • Alhamdulillah (Thank God) that the financing assistance obtained is from Allah through the financing provided by the Nafaa Cooperative
    • Continue to communicate with the cooperative regarding the obstacles faced so that any existing obstacles can be jointly sought for solutions
    • Providing support for financing activities in accordance with Islamic law either through promotion, criticism of capital issue in investment to develop the quantity of available capital.

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